09/12/2014 15:05

Ce script écrit en perl traduit des séquences nucléotidiques (ADN ou ARN) en séquences protéiques en utilisant l'outil getorf d'EMBOSS. Il sélectionne de manière automatique l'ORF la plus grande à partir d'un seuil de taille fournit par l'utilisateur.

Attention, ce script nécessité d'installer le package EMBOSS


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Translate dna sequences in fasta format using EMBOSS getorf.
# The longest ORF is used. Input sequences shorter than a
# threshold (minLen) is skipped.
# getorf must be located in PATH.
use Bio::SeqIO;
use IPC::Open2;
use strict;

my $usage = " [ -m minlen ] dna_fasta_file";

my $minLen = 30;  # Minimum number of nucleotides to be reported

sub dna2aa($) {
        my $getorfProg = "/home/cyril/Programs/EMBOSS-6.6.0/emboss/getorf --filter -minsize $minLen";
        my $dna = shift @_;
        return if length($dna) < $minLen;

        # Run getorf
        my $pid = open2(*RFH, *WFH, $getorfProg);
        print WFH $dna;
        close WFH;
        my $maxLen = 0;
        my $aa;
        my $best = 0;
        while (<RFH>) {
                if (/^>.*\[(\d+)\D+(\d+)]/) {
                        my $len = abs($2-$1);
                        if ($len > $maxLen) {
                                $maxLen = $len;
                                $best = 1;
                                $aa = "";
                        else {
                                $best = 0;
                elsif ($best) {
                        $aa .= $_;
        close RFH;
        waitpid($pid, 0);
        return $aa;

# Get options and arguments
if (@ARGV == 3 && $ARGV[0] eq "-m") {
    $minLen = shift;
    die "Minimum length must be a positive integer!\n" if $minLen !~ /^\d+$/;
die "Usage: $usage\n" if @ARGV != 1;
my $fna = $ARGV[0];
die "$fna does not exist!\n" if ! -f $fna;

my $in = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => $fna, -format => 'Fasta');
while (my $seq = $in->next_seq) {
        my $aa = dna2aa($seq->seq);
        if (!defined $aa) {
                warn "Could not translate ", $seq->id, "\n";
        print ">", $seq->id, "\n";
        print "$aa\n";