11/12/2014 15:42

Ce script perl compare deux fichiers de séquences au format fasta




use warnings;
use strict;
use Bio::SeqIO;
use Getopt::Long;
use constant USAGE =><<END;

SYNOPSIS: [OPTIONS] [file1] <file2>


Reports the differences between two sequence files, and prints either the
sequences unique to file1 or the sequences that the files have in common.


             Prints a help.
             Format of the sequence files. Fasta is default.
             Format of the sequence files. Fasta is default.
             Prints the sequences that the files have in common.
             Prints the sequences that are unique to file2 instead.
             Prints the id of each sequence only.


 # Print the ids that the two fasta files have in common: --common --onlyid file1.fa file2.fa

 # Print the entries unique to each of two EMBL files:
 cat file2.embl | --informat EMBL file1.embl


This program is free software. You may copy and redistribute it under
the same terms as Perl itself.


my $help = 0;
my $informat = 'Fasta';
my $outformat = '';
my $common = 0;
my $onlyfile2 = 0;
my $onlyid = 0;

GetOptions("help" => \$help,
           "informat|format=s" => \$informat,
           "outformat=s" => \$outformat,
           "common" => \$common,
           "onlyfile2" => \$onlyfile2,
           "onlyid" => \$onlyid) or die USAGE;

$common && $onlyfile2 and die "Incompatible options: --common and --onlyfile2\n";

my $file2 = pop @ARGV or die USAGE;;
my $file1 = pop @ARGV if @ARGV;

$outformat ||= $informat;

# Make file/steam handles:
my $fh1;
my $fh2;
if ($file2) {
  $fh2 = Bio::SeqIO->newFh(-file => "$file2",
                           -format => $informat);
if ($file1) {
  $fh1 = Bio::SeqIO->newFh(-file => "$file1",
                           -format => $informat);
} else {
  $fh1 = Bio::SeqIO->newFh(-fh => \*STDIN,
                           -format => $informat);

# Create an output file handle:
my $out;
$out = Bio::SeqIO->newFh(-fh => \*STDOUT , '-format' => $outformat );

# Hash the sequence entries:
my %file1;
while (<$fh1>) {
  $file1{$_->id()} = $_;
my %file2;
while (<$fh2>) {
  $file2{$_->id()} = $_;

# Do the proper printing:
if ($common) {
  for (keys %file1) {
    if ($onlyid) {
      print "$_\n" if defined $file2{$_};
    } else {
      print $out $file1{$_} if defined $file2{$_};
} elsif ($onlyfile2) {
  for (keys %file2) {
    if ($onlyid) {
      print "$_\n" unless defined $file1{$_};
    } else {
      print $out $file2{$_} unless defined $file1{$_};
} else {
  for (keys %file1) {
    if ($onlyid) {
      print "$_\n" unless defined $file2{$_};
    } else {
      print $out $file1{$_} unless defined $file2{$_};

=head1 SYNOPSIS: [OPTIONS] [file1] <file2>


Reports the differences between two sequence files, and prints either the
sequences unique to file1 or the sequences that the files have in common.

=head1 OPTIONS:

=over 4

=item --help

Prints a help.

=item --format

Format of the sequence files. Fasta is default.

=item --common

Prints the sequences that the files have in common.

=item --onlyfile2

Prints the sequences that are unique to file2 instead.

=item --onlyid

Prints the id of each sequence only.


=head1 EXAMPLES:

 # Print the ids that the two fasta files have in common: --common --onlyid file1.fa file2.fa

 # Print the entries unique to each of two EMBL files:
 cat file2.embl | --informat EMBL file1.embl


This program is free software. You may copy and redistribute it under
the same terms as Perl itself.
