Offre de thèse (ou postdoc) en bioinfo et génomique des microalgues
CNRS UMR7256 Lab. Information Génomique et Structurale Mediterranean Institute of Microbiology Aix-Marseille Université 163 avenue de Luminy - Case 934 13009 Marseille - France Tél : +33 (0)4 91 82 54 30 Fax : +33 (0)4 91 82 54 21
The Aix-Marseille University is funding an innovative and emerging project aiming at building an integrated vision of microorganisms involved in bioenergy production to provide more predictive, generic and translatable knowledge. In this context, applications are invited for a 2-year Postdoc researcher or 3-year Ph.D position in the field of Eukaryotic Genomics and Bioinformatics in Marseille, France, at the Laboratoire Information Génomique et Structurale (IGS - Recruitment may be delayed until the second half of 2015 according to the convenience of the successful candidate.
The candidate will be supervised by G. Blanc at the IGS lab (Marseille Luminy) and tightly collaborate with the research groups of G. Peltier (CEA Cadarache) and B. Gontero (Marseille GLM). The candidate will spend the first year analysing RNA-seq datasets generated from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Chlorophyceae), and assembling and annotating the sequence data for the genome and transcriptome of Asterionella formosa (diatom). The second year will be devoted to the detailed functional annotation of theses genomes and comparison with the genome of other sequenced diatoms, in close collaboration with C. reinhardtii specialists at CEA Cadarache (G. Peltier), and A. formosa specialists at CNRS Marseille (B. Gontero). The ideal candidate will be a young scientist who has completed a Ph.D or Master degree in applied bioinformatics with prior experience in genomic sequencing of eukaryotic organisms, and/or good notions of molecular evolution and transcriptomics analysis. Skills are required in the manipulation of assembly software and genomic data mapping and browsing, use of the linux operating system and scripting languages (perl or python). The candidate will work in an environment where all the necessary software are up and running, with the help of the Paca-Bioinfo platform team (4 dedicated engineers plus 4 researchers in bioinformatics). The candidate should be able to communicate in French or English. This position is fully funded by the A*MIDEX Foundation and is restricted to researchers who did not graduate their Master or PhD at the Aix-Marseille University. Monthly gross salary: €1680 for a PhD student (net: €1363) and starting from €2420 for a PostDoc researcher (net: €1960+) according to experience. Applicants should submit a CV, statement of research interests and the names and contact information of three references to :