Consensus mapping of major resistance genes and independent QTL for quantitative resistance to sunflower downy mildew
01/09/2012 00:00
Vincourt P, As-Sadi F, Bordat A, Langlade NB, Gouzy J, Pouilly N, Lippi Y, Serre F, Godiard L, Tourvieille de Labrouhe D and Vear F.
Major gene resistance to sunflower downy mildew (Plasmopara halstedii) races 304 and 314 was found to segregate independently from the resistance to races 334, 307 and 304 determined by the gene Pl2, already positioned on Linkage Group (LG) 8 of sunflower molecular maps. Using a consensus SSR–SNP map constructed from the INEDI RIL population and a...